Bicycle tour 14.6.2005

Today there is bright weather, but a little bit warm with up to 27 C at noon. A morning bicycle tour leads me from Winzendorf via Dreistetten and Piesting to Pernitz and Neusiedl, where I admire a wo ich eine gorgeous orchid grassland I have visited before on 10. May. Further via Waidmannsfeld, Miesenbach and Ascher to Puchberg on Schneeberg and throgh the Sierning valley to Ternitz and Neunkirchen, thereafter home to Winzendorf, altogether about 74 km.

On the grassland near Neusiedl. Here you can find 5 different orchid species, however not all flourishing to the same time: early purple orchid, military orchid (didn´t take a foto today, as it was nearly withered) and, as here, lots of Muecken -  Haendelwurz (Gymnadenia conopsea).

View from the grassland to Neusiedl and Pernitz

At some places you even must avoid to step on them ...

There are also lots of common Twayblade (Listera ovata) ...

and, although outside the forest, Zweiblättrige Waldhyazinthe (Platanthera bifolia)

In between also Kelch - Simsenlilien (Tofielda calyculata)

On the way further to Puchberg: Schneeberg, this time in clouds, with only small rests of snow. In the foreground the railsway sytation and the racks of the Track railway to Schneeberg (note: on this link there is an English version - click on the word "English" in the upper right field of the page)

The historical train set with the carriage and the steam engine, servicing only once or twice a day
