Vineyards and more 17.3.2017
Bright sunshine this morning, for the evening and the coming weekend, rain is forecast. So better go out just now. A short walk to Weikersdorf´s vineyards and the nearby forest.
Start of the year in the vineyard: the vines are cut, the short stumps are bound down horizontally - if the branches stay vertical, all the sap would go to the top, and the other branches would get weaker.
View over the "Stonefield".
I climb through the scrub above the vineyards - some many cornel cherries growing here, on a small patch of dry grass.
Sand-Fingerkraut (Potentilla arenaria)
Cornel cherries (Cornus mas) in full flower
A few pasque flowers over here too.
Cornel cherry flowers.
European Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis).
Back at the vineyrds, with many cornel sherries in the forest behind.
These vines too are cut and bound down. Summer may come!