Bicycle tour around Schneeberg 20.5.2005
After a rainy wednesday today on Friday cloudless, dark blue sky however cool yet (up to 20 C). A ride to Neunkirchen finally results in a ride around Schneeberg via Ternitz, Gloggnitz, Payerbach/Reichenau, Hoellental, Klostertal and Klostertaler Gscheid, Gutenstein, Pernitz, Waldegg, Dreistetten and Muthmannsdorf back to Winzendorf, 106 km all in all.
Schneeberg from its best side with new snow
Orchids (Dactylorhiza incarnata) on boggy grassland near Willendorf
View to Hohe Wand (Grosze Kanzel) from near Willendorf
Honesty (Lunaria annua), feral in the pine forest
Oilseed rape fields near Gloggnitz
View to Rax
Panorama near Gloggnitz. Click into the picture for a larger version
View to Rax shortly before Payerbach, Semmering railway to the far right
Goatsbeard (Tragopogon pratensis)
Weir on Schwarza near Hirschwang close to the cable railway on Rax. In the background Schneeberg from its southern side
Much muddy water in Schwarza after heavy rain
The valley is so narrow here, that a foto only can be managed with an "erected Panorama" made of two pictures
The elegant new footbridge over Schwarza, connecting the parking ground near the road and the paths to großes Hoellental with Weichtalhaus
View on the river from the bridge
Here a footpath to Schneeberg starts
The steep escarpments to Rax
Perennial Honesty (Lunaria rediviva)
Forget-me-not near the road
At times the valley (Hoellental = "hells valley") is a bit broader
Klostertal in its beginning
Cuckoo Flower, Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) grows on the meadows
In the boggy valley ground several places with globe flowers (Trollius europaeus)
Boggy grassland in Klostertal; the orchids are just at their begi´nning, so they cannot be seen on this picture yet
Idyllic place at a beck near the road
View up to the western escarpments of Schneeberg
On the other side near Gutenstein yet flourishing apple trees
A last greeting from Schneeberg, this time seen from northern direction