Cross country skiing in meadows and fields near Winzendorf, 4.2.2005
Winzendorf´s last houses heading for Fischauer Berge, behind the valley (Prosset Schlucht) is Hohe Wand
Frauen Beck
View over fields heading for Saubersdorf
View back to Winzendorf
Frozen pond
The same frozen pond from the opposite side
The church of Weikersdorf
My round walk finally leads back to Fischauer Berge and Winzendorf
Heading over the south end of Wiener Becken to Bucklige Welt
Snow capped bales of straw
Winzendorfs old limestone quarry
Snow covered
Vineyards and Fischauer Berge
View in direction Wiener Neustadt (left of the black pines the water tower
in the background)
The first houses of Winzendorf
View back over the fields in direction Bad Fischau
Prosset beck under ice and snow