Saubersdorf Fields 4.10.2020
A mouintain bike ride is a must on this wonderfully clear day after last night´s rain. Still foen wind from southeast, making the visibility even better.
First down along the Frauen beck to Weikersdorf. After recent frequent rain and heavy rain last night, many puddles on the fields.
Soy beans getting ripe for crop now.
Between Saubersdorf and the hill with the transponder ("Gesanger Bühel"), a gravel road leads in between. Here is a single small vineyard.
A bit further, heading for St. Egyden. Hay balls stored on a rocky place (with Rohrbach´s conglomerate) on the surface. Nothing can be cultivated here.
Back at the Gesanger Bühel ...
... and the transponder, where you get a view to Wiener Neustadt and the Leitha mountains ...
... as well as to Schneeberg.
Last autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) on a narrow grass band along the Mori beck, beneath apple trees.
Millet seed now is getting ripe too.
Mustard seed and the view to Schneeberg and Hohe Wand.
Here, the fields are also flooded after heavy rain.