Marble Quarry, Engelsberg and Schlossberg 31.10.2018
First longer walk with both dogs; From the outskirts of Winzendorfs to the marble quarry, on the Engelsberg, then crossing over to Schlossberg, and to ruin Emmerberg, back above Winzendorf´s big limestone quarry.
Starting through forest...
The big scree at the marble quarry withg the view to Bad Fischau and Wiener Neustadt
The high quarry wall.
Above the quarry wall, with a good view to Bad Fischau and Wiener Neustadt ...
... and to Winzendorf and the Wechsel region.
Walking further to Engelsberg ...
... and to the view place.
Schneeberg, Hohe Wand and "Neue Welt", in front of Schneeberg is Schlossberg, my next goal.
Engelsberg summit.
Winzendorf and the Rosalia mountains.
Weikersdorf and Rosalia mountains
Schneeberg and Hohe Wand, now seen from Schlossberg.
Tree fungus on a dead trunk.
Muthmannsdorf, as seen from Schlossberg.
I walk along the Schlossberg ridge ...
... till I reach the ruin Emmerberg.
Ruin Emmerberg.
Ruin Emmerberg and Schneeberg.
Crossing autumnal forest in the plateau shortly before the big limestone quarry.
Numerous pines have been felled here, to make up for clearings with views down to the Steinfeld.
Steinfeld with Weikersdorf and Winzendorf. I don´t walk down to the escarpment, Bella isn´t yet obedient enough.
Weikersdorf and Rosalia mountains.
Winzendorf. Looking onto the roof of my house.
Down again at the vineyards.
The outskirts of Winzendorf.