Losenheim 11.12.2013
After several days of really bad weather and a storm Low over Northern Europe (which only hit us tangentially), at last we get some calm days. The Schneeberg - Webcam www.Schneeberg.tv shows, that today´s high fog reaches up very high, so that Hohe Wand is nearly totally wrapped. It is at risk for the fog to rise and wrap the region totally, and then you are captured. It needs a region where you can "flee upwards" - so I drive to Losenheim and walk with my snow shoes to the Edelweißhütte.
At my start, the fog has drawn back a bit, so you can look up to Schneeberg.
View back to Dürre Wand.
Snow machines cannot work today due to temperatures above zero.
Rather high up now.
Here it is wind blown and recent thaw removed the rest of the snow in some areas. A second cloud layer high above keeps the sun from shining, regrettably.
Dürre Wand, Hohe Wand in the background to the right is nearly completely wrapped in the high fog.
Thaw ha molten snow on the gravel road, refreezing during the night turned the watery mud to a thick cover of ice which now thaws only superficially ...
... reflecting the little bit of sunshine.
Edelweißhütte in the background.
View over the mist to Hoher Hengst, where I walked a week ago.
View to the North to Unterberg ...
... and to the west to Kuhschneeberg.
360 Grad Panoramablick vom Fadensattel. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.
Zooming in on Unterberg
Hoher Hengst. From here you clearly see the forest road I used fore my ascent some 7 days ago.
Western view
The mist is lifting up a bit up, now even touching the Fadensattel.
A small branch reaches me.
Now walking back ...
... and dipping into the fog, which now reaches much more up as compared to my ascent.
This hunters´ hut is wrapped ...
... and clear a few seconds later.
Reaching the forest I am wrapped into the mist.