Johannes Beck Gorge 13.7.2011

Today it is extremely hot (up to 33 °C) - a good day for a short family walk into the cool gorge. Inside there it is shay, and usually the temperature is about 5 °C cooler.

An amply constructed boardwalk covers the inaccessible parts of the gorge.

In other parts, the gorge only is like a very narrow valley with steep slopes and rock walls aside.

Fallen trees, ivy- overgrown slopes, ...

 ... moss - covered stones.

Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)

Sheila is enjoying the deep parts of the small beck

"Are you sure that I must not jump back into the water only because there is another dog over there?"

On the way back ...

 ... numerous Silver-washed Fritillary´s (Argynnis paphia) are visiting the Cow Parsleys near the beck.
