Hohe Wand 27.2.2014

High fog over Winzendorf. Today, I have only short time, so I drive up Hohe Wand to see a bit of the sunshine.

I pound some of the favourite views.

Near Kohlröserlhaus

Grassland near the road junktion

Near the Almfrieden inn.

Near the Postl inn. Here, Völlerin - route ends.

Hazel nuts in bloom.

View from the Skywalk to Southwest ...

 ... and to Northeast.

Friendly walking the grass, I bump into ...

Hans Jürgen Pietsch. United husbands making their wives work in the morning while walking in the sunshine ... (As an excuse, I worked afterwards on that day, from 2 to 7 p.m.)

I squire Hans Jürgen for a short leg heading for the Almfrieden inn, where he has parked his car.

Hans-Jürgen first discovered this herd of capricorns standing close to the escarpment.

About 8-10 animals, predominantly younger ones.

A pup is also among them.

"What do you do here?"

"Should I go and look for news inside the forest?"

After me coming a bit too close, the capricorns stroll down a bit down the escarpment, ...

 ... like us strolling through the living room. They don´t seem to have much stress.

A last detour to the Waldeggerhaus, ...

 ... to admire Schneeberg.

Panoramic view from the Waldeggerhaus from Southwest to Northwest. Click here or into the picture for a larger version.
