Gahns-meadows 20.5.2023
Today, I have the honor to guide a group of 10 orchid lovers, organized in a society called Austrian orchid protection network, to two meadows in the Gahns massive, which I have visited several times before.
We meet at Gasteil near Prigglitz. Mist on the plain in the morning.
We drive to the water reservoir above Prigglitz, where we start our walk to the Gahnshaus meadow. At an altitude of 915 m asl, military orchid (Orchis militaris) just starts to flowrish.
More flowerung exemplars of the Burnt orchid (Neotinea ustulata) though.
The absolute highlight of this place are the theousands of green-winged orchids (Anacamptis morio), which here ...
occurs in dozens of colour variants.
Green-winged orchid (Anacamptis morio)
Near a well, there are some exemplars of the Moorland spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis).
Green-winged orchid (Anacamptis morio)
In betwee, a few exmplars of the Dazwischen auch einige Exemplare common twayblade (Listera ovata, Neottia ovata)
Very few exemplars of the sword-leaved helleborine (Cephalanthera longifolia)
View along the meadow to the Rax massive, wrapped in clouds today.
Gahnshaus meadow and the view to Semmering/Wechsel.
Some Spring gentians (Gentiana verna) join to the orchids.
After descent, we drive back to Gasteil and walk up to the Kleewiese ("clover meadow") Here are hundredes of elder-flowered orchids (Dacytlorhiza sambucina), mainly in yellow.
Similar to the Gahnshaus meadow, on a wet place there are some Moorland spotted orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis) ...
... and so we are lucky to also find two exemplars of a bastard between those two orchids: Dactylorhiza xRupertii (D. majalis x D. sambucina). An extreme rarity.
Some other flowers: narcissus-flowered anemones (Anemone narcissiflora)
A last highlight: two exemplars of the fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera).
View over the grassland called Kleewiese. Down in the valley in the dust are trhe little towns of Neunkirchen and Ternitz.