7.6.2019: Outward journey, with a walk around the Ödensee.
Shortly before Bad Aussee, we branch off from our route near Kainisch and drive to the wonderful Ödensee, for a short walk around the lake and a lunch in the Kohlröserlhütte.
The flowers of the barberry bushes (Berberis vulgaris) are exuding a wonderful smell today.
Horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis comosa) - thanks to Andrea Schumacher for identification.
Huge amounts of meltwater from higher areas (the Ödensee gets its water from the eastern foothills of the huge Dachstein plateau) are filling the lake after the exceedingly snow-rich winter - I did not see it that high before.
View to the bathing hut. A few keen persons try a swim. Too cold for me though.
This wet grassland near the lake is flooded by the beck flowing into the lake.
Flooded grass.
Bella loves the water.
My three girls are looking forward to the holiday.
Flooded sallows on the bank.
Flowers besides the road.
Infructescences of the white butterbur (Petasites albus)