Schlossberg 10.12.2005

A somewhat dull December day, about 0 C. About 2 hours afternoon walk from Winzendorf to Schlossberg (above the abandoned limestone quarry)

The mixed oak-pine - forest besides the quarry

View over Winzendorf in eastern direction; to the right in the backdrop Weikersdorf, in the distance to the left Wiener Neustadt

Zoom on Wiener Neustadt, with the ridge of the Leithagebirge behind

View over Winzendorf in southern direction to the Wechsel area

In the forest aobe the limestone quarry

Barberries are still doing well

Near the highest point of Schlossberg (584 m): View over Mitterberg (520 m) in direction Goesing (898 m) and Semmering-/Wechsel area

Evening clouds on Schlossberg ...

 ... and in the zoom: Wuerflach, with Goesing behind.
