Miesenbach 1.10.2021

Manuscript of my projected book Die Hohe Wand – Landschaftsparadies vor unserer Haustür“, ISBN: 978-3-99024-972-7 (Kral Verlag, 2022) is missing a chapter of the "backside" of the Hohe Wand - Miesenbach. Sunny autumn weather forecast, I break up from home at 8 a.m. heading for the Piesting valley. Shortly before Waldegg, the mist begins, also covering Öd and Reichental. As I did some research in advance of views to the Hohe Wand I vaguely expect, that maybe the Ochsenheide, a small saddle between Waidmannsfeld and Neusiedl/Pernitz may have escaped the mist.

No sooner said than done, I branch off for Waidmannsfeld, and yes, so it is!

Panoramic view from the Ochsenheide over the mist covering Waidmannsfeld and Miesenbach to Hohe Wand in the background. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

The mist chases me a little bit upward. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

Behidn the trees the mist over Waidmannsfeld and Miesenbach, and Hohe Wand.

Hohe Wand.

At the highest point of the Ochsenheide, a small chapel and two huge trees.

More trees embellishing the grassland.

Condensation trails are forming a cross, a directional arrow ...  the star of Bethlehem?

Another panoramic view of the mist over Waidmannsfeld and Miesenbach. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

The chapel, as seen from its backside.

Driven down once more, I now try my luck in the hamlet of Frohnberg, on the knoll at the Michlwirt inn. Once more I am above the mist.

A bit to the south, along the slope.

Panoramic picture of Miesenbach´s hamlet Frohnberg with the view to Hohe Wand. The rock jag to the right is the homonymeous Frohnberg. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

Behind the Frohnberg, the road comes to its end, at the turning point the view to a fruit orchard.


Driving back down to the valley - a nice view ...

... to the "Balbersteine" (the rock jags behind the house).

Another stage: the hamlet Scheuchenstein with Miesenbach´s church an the Gauermann museum.

Miesenbach´s hamlet Scheuchenstein in the panorama. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

From besides the Gauermann museum, the view goes over autumn grassland and the first coloured trees to the Schneeberg, ...   

...with the Hutberg in front. To the left, the Geländ´.

On the drive back to the valley from Scheuchenstein - view to more grassland up to Hohe Wand.

Another side trip, this time into the Tiefenbachtal and to the saddle near the Nussberg - with a wonderful view to Schneeberg.

Finally, a visit to the Tiefenbach waterfall. Only very few water after a warm and dry September.

The trip around Hohe Wand is finalized over the Ascher pass road - here the view back into the Miesenbach valley ...

 ... and via Pfennigbach and Grünbach to Oberhöflein. View to Schneeberg from the saddle between Grünbach and Oberhöflein.
