11.9.2021: Bicycle tour in Lungau around the Schwarzenberg.

A bit easier outing after yesterday´s walk. being a bit relative: more than a km of steep ascent today, but otherwise it is a gentle ride.

We onc more start in Mörtelsdorf near Tamsweg , first on the Mur valley bicycle route hading for St. Margarethen.


After the steep ascent and a racy downhill through Thomatal and till Madling, a gentle ascent through the beautiful Mur valley, on the well constructed bicycle way up to Tamsweg.


View upstream.

Shortly before Tamsweg, a beautiful bridge over the river Mur, newly built a few years ago.

Showers are predicted for this afternoon, and this was quite appropriate. This is the view to the Noth a very short leg before Mörtelsdorf, the last houses of Tamsweg to the right.

12.9.: Today, definitely a resting day, but in the morning once more I enjoy the light on the hill.


Curiosity, your name is cow.

Once more mist hanging over the Seetal.

One of the ice age hollows, as described earlier here.

A few fair-weather clouds on Preber.

