Johannisbach - gorge 9.4.2008

Having the morning off, I start early for a walk. The sky is cloudless, still a bit coll with about 6 C. I drive to Wuerflach and ascend through the Johannisbach - gorge, further on through the valley till the little hamlet of Schrattenbach. There I turn left up the mountain, passing the ruins of Schrattenstein and over a forested ridge back to Wuerflach.

Near the entrance to the gorge.

Retention basin for Johannis beck for protection against floodwaters.

View back - the valley becomes narrower here.

Now the true gorge begins.


The first narrow point is bypassed by a comfortable wooden bridge.

Since that time, the stairs of course have been renewed several times.

View back to the narrow.

At this early time, the sun is shining into the gorge, which is directed from west to east.

Of course Sheila has to step into the water ...

"Come on, donīt you follow me?"

Deeper water is much more interesting.

 ... ! ...

"How can I get over this?"

Shortly before the end once more a narrow point.

Soon after the end of the gorge, the valley broadens to a lovely place ...

 ... permitting a glimpse to Schneeberg.

The beck is flowing much more smoothly here.

Over grassland I walk through apple trees up the slope to the left. In this place - giving a view to Hohe Wand with Grosze Kanzel - I enter the forest, which I shall not leave the whole rest of the walk.

Drooping Bittercress (Cardamine enneaphyllos)

Near the path: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) and Suffolk Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)


Nearly back, in the forest above the outskirts of Wuerflach. View above Wuerflach (the ending valley of the gorge), in the background Zweiberg and Kienberg, with Willendorf in front.

Violets near the path.

Back beside the Johannis beck, after about 3 1/2 hours..
