Spring Flowers near Bad Fischau/Brunn 1.4.2008

Two more days the weather has been bright, and keeping on mind tomorrow´s rainy and cool forecast, I make use of a short hour at noon to visit this mystic grassy place near Brunn, where thousands of tiny iris (Iris pumila) are flourishing. I have seen blossoms of blackthorn near the road ...

If you walk up the short footpath from the asphalt road leading through the vineyards from Winzendorf to Brunn, you are welcomed by this scenery.

Thousands of yellow (here with interesting brown patches) ...

 ... pink ...

 ... near white, with similar patches, ...

 ... gentian blue ...

 ... ruby-colored

 ... tiny iris are flowering here covering a large area. However, the fascination does not last for long, so you have to know the right time: The blossom time exactly coincides with that of ...

 ... blackthorn, growing near many roads everywhere and flourishing poretty white. Since I have known this, I never missed the iris.

Of course, blackthorne is growing near this place.

More pretty spring flowers: the low cinquefoil (potentilla arenaria) and the higher mountain- alyssum (Alyssum montanum).


In shadowy places near trees still some late blossoms of pasqueflowers (pulsatilla grandis), which are whithered elsewhere.

cinquefoil and Iris

A few hundred metres farther near the road in the forest: Spring adonis (Adonis vernalis) which of course I have to visit.
