From Felbring to Frankenhof 15.2.2008

Today the bright weather has come to its end. In the morning there is one whole hour of heavy snowing, but not so much snow has stayn. In the afternoon the weather is clearing up a bit, but it is cold (about 0 C), with a heavy wind. I walk from the fields between Gaaden and Muthmannsdorf via Felbring to Frankenhof and back, about 1 hour walk, mostly through the forest to escape the wind.

On the drive: Muthmannsdorfs church

View from my start over Neue Welt to Schlossberg. A bit of snow in some places.

Muthmannsdorf with the church to the right standing a bit alone.

View in southern direction. Much more clouds there.

View to southeast.

Near Frankenhof. On near 600 m above sea level a bit more snow.

View along Hohe Wand with the houses of Frankenhof...

 ... and to its northeastern end with Herrgottschnitzerhaus.
