Ruin Emmerberg 30.1.2008

A short morning walk from Winzendorf to ruin Emmerberg. In the early morning it is a bit misty, at about 9 a.m. the mist begins to dissolve.

Rests of the mist on the opposite side of the southern Wiener Becken near the Rosalia mountains ...

 ... nd OVER "Neue Welt". iN THE FOREGROUND Prosset - GORGE, Schneeberg (2.075 m) and Hohe Wand behind.

Zooming in on Schneeberg, with Zweiersdorf in front.

Close to the castle, the old castle wall to the right. The ruin is at danger of collapse, so access is prohibited.

The old walls are really ruinous.

From a bit above a stunning view to the castle and Schneeberg.

Panoramic view from Schloszberg with ruin Emmerberg. Far left Mitterberg, behind the castle to the right is Kienberg, then Schneeberg and Hohe Wand. Click into the picture for a larger version.

A similar view from a bit higher up.

Muthmannsdorf as seen from Schloszberg gesehen. Still mists hanging over the Piesting valley in behind.
